Where there’s SMOKE….


The hot, dry and windy conditions are creating the “perfect storm” for the wildfire in our area. Currently over 70,000 acres are burning and over 100 fire fighters and Texas Forest Service members are battling the fierce blaze.
It has been reported that sparks from a pipe cutter started the fire.

The Leon Law Firm https://www.theleonlawfirm.com reminds you to have a plan if you find your self in harms way. We are currently representing families who have been affected by the Wilderness Ridge Fire and we know the importance of investigating http://www.wildernessridgefire.com/ the source of the blaze.

The widfires are destroying property and killing livestock. We send our prayers for the containment of the fires and safety for those charged with controlling it.

If you have questions about the wildfire and how we can help – Please call 281-980-4529.